Seven Reasons why you should use DigiProctor for your Online Examinations

Just like education has adopted learner-centric approaches to make learning effective, examinations and assessments are also becoming competency-based to appropriately measure the learning outcomes of students. Various school and college boards in India have progressively adopted an outcomes-based approach to improve the quality of education.
With DigiProctor Examinations suite (which includes mobile apps) you can administer any type of test –quizzes, mid-term exams (subjective questions) and oral exams; and evaluate them online , making result processing agile, unbiased, and transparent.
Hence to measure the effectiveness of online learning, exams from home are becoming the new normal. So, what is it that educators need to know about remotely proctored mode of examinations? Online modes of testing bring in agility and efficiency, as it allows stakeholders to collaborate in creating the question papers; administering tests, proctoring their students (in virtual “TestRooms”), evaluating them online to declare the results.
With DigiProctor Examinations suite (which includes mobile apps) you can administer any type of test –quizzes, mid-term exams (subjective questions) and oral exams; and evaluate them online , making result processing agile, unbiased, and transparent.
SEVEN Reasons to move your Exams Online Today!
1- Question Paper Security
Question paper leaks have been the biggest concern of every institution prior to the examinations as it compromises the output of the results and leads to huge reputation loss. DigiProctor encrypts the question papers (using highest levels of encryption standards AES 265) and keeps your question paper secure – the key to launch the test always remains with the examination body. For login access control, Digiproctor uses strong multi-factor authentication. Both of these security mechanisms are military-grade and used by banks and payment sites.
2- Automated Result Processing
Internal/external examiners spend a huge amount of their valuable time in correcting answer sheets, and devise ways to collaborate (offline) to bring in standardization and transparency in their grading system. DigiProctor automates result processing , saves time and brings in consistency. In case of subjective questions, it allows examiners to collaborate and grade the student’s responses online. Duties are segregated and privileged access is given to all stakeholders, which allows internal, external evaluators, and COE, to work as a team (online) with defined tasks. Re-evaluation of answer sheets is also possible. Institutions can assign ‘roles’ and define ‘rules’ for result processing.
3- Remote Supervision and Proctoring
Onsite examinations and test centers are a passé now. DigiProctor enables institutions to remotely monitor and proctor their students. These Virtual “TestRooms” augment monitoring through AI (artificial intelligence) algorithms and give deep insights to the Human Proctor(s) who are continuously monitoring their students in virtual “TestRooms” to take corrective action. Proctors can pause the test; generate warnings or terminate the test session (from remote) to deter any attempt to impersonate, collaborate, and/or cheat. AI algorithms generate a student's behavioural profile for the proctors to take appropriate action. This helps in scaling the operation manifolds.
4- Foundational parameters
Digiproctor is very unique on the FOUR critical parameters essential for successful online examinations– it is highly scalable, very reliable, extremely secure and provides enhanced productivity
(1) Digiproctor is “Scalable by Design” - system has been designed to be ‘elastic’ and can automatically expand in capacity as the load on it increases. This ensures that the number of students taking the test concurrently is never a limiting factor
(2) For examinations, reliability is of utmost importance. Reliability assures that the student can start the exam and complete it. Digiproctor guarantees reliability by incorporating unique features at the student-end and in the back-end. It provides comprehensive disconnection management at the student-end and extensive failover and disaster-recovery mechanisms (at back-end) to ensure that the ongoing exam continues without disruption.
(3) Security is paramount in the examination process - And, the security is required not just during the exam but also pre-exam where the question papers must be created and stored securely, and post-exam where the answer sheets and evaluations need to be secured. Digiproctor is extremely secure and uses the strongest encryption algorithm in the world (AES-256) to secure question papers and answers
(4) Automation (and online collaboration) of examination activities enables institutions to achieve higher levels of productivity. Digiproctor enables automation of activities related to managing students and creating their exam schedules, and automating validations related to which student does which exam.
Online mode of examinations is highly scalable, enhances productivity, saves travel time and costs, and ensures highest levels of security and test integrity.
4- Foundational parameters
7- Moving examinations online is highly cost effective; save infrastructure costs and cost of booking test centers (which earlier used to limit students to register for examinations held in centers located in their city/state); saves travel time and cost; and enables paper-less examinations.
5- Mobile Proctored Exams
Often students in remote location are unable to take their test, this happens if your students are located in cities with poor internet connectivity or experiencing frequent power outages. Mobile test taking app allows your students to seamlessly move their test to their mobile device without any loss of data.
Test Engine comes with mobile apps to help you integrate responses of your students when the test is on mobile or has subjective questions – this helps you speed up result processing.
DigiProctor Test Taking App helps you do away the need for using laptops and solves the problems of students who do not have access to laptops, it also allows seamless switch over to mobile test app in case of power/Internet outage or any problem in students’ laptops.
DigiProctor Test Monitoring App – The mobile test app can be used for taking both Proctored and Un-proctored tests. In proctored tests, the student is authenticated through facial analysis, and is continually monitored during the test. Every non-compliant action is logged, and students Trust Score is reduced.
DigiProctor (Answer) Upload App helps your students while answering subjection questions. They can now write or draw their answers on paper, and upload their answers using the mobile upload app. Images uploaded cannot be circulated/forward to deter collaboration during the exam.
6- Online Evaluation (Subjective Questions)
Internal/External examiners have a seamless experience and can mark subjective questions online to automate results processing. These marks/remarks can be re-evaluated (if required). DigiProctor also provides detailed analytics of the test paper, class and individual performance.
Student’s Portal enable the learners to view their test answers. Personal dashboard helps students in self-performance tracking and formative learning. Student’s portal is a repository of all the test taken by the student. It allows students to review their answer sheets (if permitted). If the Question Paper setter has tagged the questions with learning objectives, difficulty levels, and Blooms Taxonomy then it generates a comparative analysis of the student’s performance vis-à-vis his/her class for every test taken. It also plots the student’s progress based on past test performances.
7- Build your Brand
Moving your examinations online builds your brand and positions you as a “forward leaning” institution. The “Future of Examinations” is online – globally institutions have embraced new ways of online learning and online examinations. Digital exams are more secure, highly scalable, and bring in transparency and academic credibility.
DigiProctor protects and enhances your “Academic Brand” by not only delivering examinations without any data leaks or disruptions, but also by giving your students and examiners a great user experience with deep insights into their test performance and test integrity.
DigiProctor empowers your institution to remotely monitor and proctor your students during online examinations- just the way it’s done in physical test centers, ensuring continuity of education. Our teams help in onboarding your students and faculty members - mock test is conducted prior to the examinations. We would like to ensure that secure proctored exams become the new normal for your institution.